Welcome to this webnotes.in post on how to apply for the latest IPO (Initial Public Offering) through HDFC Bank Netbanking. You might be wanting to apply for the latest red-hot 🔥 IPO that has astronomical GMP (Grey Market Premiums), and your broker/friend/relatives have guaranteed you that you will surely get a listing gain, if you get allotment. However, please note that the applications to IPOs have their risks, which you should research before applying.
Can you apply for IPO through HDFC Netbanking?
The answer is YES. You can apply for IPO through HDFC Bank Netbanking through their Netbanking portal. This process should broadly have six (6) steps, and should take a maximum of 30 minutes ⏳. This process employs the ASBA (Application Supported by Blocked Amounts) method. This ensures that the retails investor’s funds leave his bank account only upon allocation of shares in public issues. The ASBA process also ensures that only the requisite amount of funds is debited to the investor’s bank account on allotment of shares. In this mechanism, the need for refunds is completely eliminated. The entire process is listed below. However, please, please go through the below steps to avoid getting errors, especially a notorious xxxxxx error, which stops the application process in its tracks, and does not allow you to complete the application.
Pre-requisites before you start
Before we start with the application process, please ensure that the following steps/checks:
- ⚠️ This is important! 🚨 You have allowed the pop-ups for HDFC Bank and HDFC Securities. You can find the processes online for your respective browser, but here we will list process steps to allow pop-ups for HDFC Bank and HDFC Securities in Google Chrome.
- Click the More
at the top right of the Chrome browser.
- Click Settings.
- At the bottom, click Advanced.
- Under “Privacy and security,” click Content settings.
- Click Popups.
- Under “Allowed“, click “Add“. Turn Allowed on or off. Type https://[*.]hdfcsec.com and https://[*.]hdfcbank.com. This is will ensure that the pop-ups are allowed for HDFC Bank.
- Click the More
- 📝 The applicant has a bank account with HDFC Bank
- 📝 The applicant has a demat account (not necessarily with HDFC Securities. You may apply through this method, even if you have a demat account with any of the discount brokers like Zerodha, Upstox, Groww etc.)
Step-by-Step Guide on applying for IPO through HDFC Bank Netbanking
Time needed: 30 minutes
- Login to your HDFC Netbanking Account
• Go to the HDFC Bank Netbanking URL https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/netbanking/, and login with your Customer ID, and Password
- Under Request, go to the IPO Application section
• Next, under the Request section on the left hand bar, click to expand
• Here, click on the IPO Application option.
• You will get a warning message that you are being redirected to an external site (hdfcsec.com). Here, click Continue.
• The next screen will be an overview of all the IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) presently in the application window, and these issues can be applied for. - Scroll, and select the IPO which you wish to apply for
•Here, scroll to the IPO you wish to apply for. Also, please note the correct type of application. Sometimes, the same IPO will have multiple quotas viz. HNI quota, Retail quota, Shareholders quota, or policyholders quota. So, ensure that you apply in the correct quota, under the desired public issue.
- Fill in all the desired/required details for the IPO
• In the “Place Order” screen, choose the correct option from the dropdown under “Select Investor Status”.
• Under “Bid Details”, enter the desired number of shares under “Shares Bid for”. Do ensure that number of shares are in multiples of the declared lot size. Next to it, under “Price per share Rs. “,enter the desired unit share price you wish to apply for. A good tip is to check the “Cut-off Price” checkbox. This is eliminate any issues with the incorrect share price being entered.
• Next enter your PAN (Permanent Account Number) details, along with the date of birth details.
• Under “Depository Details”, choose from NSDL, or CDSL, as the case may be with your demat account details.
• Under “DP Name”, enter your broker name viz. Zerodha, Upstox, Groww etc.
• If your demat account is with NSDL, i.e. if your demat account number starts with “IN”, then split your 16 character demat account number into two blocks of 8 characters. Enter the first block of 8 characters starting with “IN” under DP ID, and the rest of the 8 characters (all digits) under “Beneficiary A/C no”.
• If your demat account is with CDSL i.e. your demat account number is a 16 digit number. If you select the Depository Details as CDSL, then the DP ID would be greyed out. You would need to update the entire 16 digit account number in Beneficiary Account Number field itself.
• Click “Proceed”. - Confirm on the request for the Online Fund Hold
• The next popup will be the confirmation screen. Click “Confirm” to proceed.
• 🚨 In case the pop-ups are not activated, you will NOT get this screen. So, please go back, activate the pop-ups and perform the entire process once again.
• Next, click “I agree” on the disclaimer.
• Click “Submit” on the “Online Fund Hold” option to block the amount. - Done!
• The final screen indicates that your IPO bid has been successfully.
That is it. The entire process to apply for the IPO through HDFC Bank Netbanking has been completed. All you need to do now is to wait until the allotment process has been completed, and you receive the update on whether or not you have received the allotment.
All the best in your investment journey! Best wishes to you!